StudySmarter & ekipa host EdTech innovation competiton
Together with ekipa StudySmarter organises an innovation competition on the responsibility of universities and colleges in the face of the social challenge caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
What can educational institutions, explicitly universities, do against the spread and social risks of the „Covid-19“ pandemic? How can they use their resources (multifunctional)? These questions are to be digitally processed with the help of the non-profit innovation competition „University X Corona“ of the startup ekipa and the EdTech Startup StudySmarter.

Students as well as scientists are invited to generate ideas, approaches and solutions for the different challenges of the pandemic. We are looking for committed people who want to contribute to the overall social situation. Those interested can find further information and register for the challenge at the following portal:
The challenge is scheduled until April 22, 2020 at 23:59. During this period, innovators can register via the platform and submit their solutions. It is also possible to participate alone or in a team. Networking, organization and collaboration takes place in digital teams via the platform.
The aim of the innovation competition is to generate measures that enable educational institutions to face and master the social challenges of the pandemic. The solutions resulting from this project will be made available free of charge to all universities and colleges that express an interest. Interested educational institutions are asked to contact us using the contact details listed below.
More information about the innovation competition can be found here.
About StudySmarter
StudySmarter is a leading EdTech start-up from Munich. The spin-off of the TU Munich & LMU Munich develops an intelligent and content-independent platform for lifelong learning. The StudySmarter learning platform was first published in 2018 and is currently used by more than 850,000 learners in the DACH region. StudySmarter has been named the best EdTech start-up in Germany and Europe by university representatives and education experts. The startup is headquartered in Munich and employs more than 30 people. StudySmarter’s vision is to use state-of-the-art technology to enable everyone to achieve their educational goals. Further information: