StudySmarter becomes the official learning tool of the hemmer Repetitorium Gruppe
StudySmarter publishes the cooperation with the hemmer Repetitorien Gruppe and expands the offer for law students.

StudySmarter deepens the digital offer for law students together with the hemmer Repetitorien Gruppe. The StudySmarter learning platform will digitalize the state exam preparation and integrate all learning contents of the hemmer Repetitorien Gruppe into the intelligent StudySmarter App. Students of law will have access to content of the highest quality, based on years of experience with hemmer, available online and offline on laptops and smartphones. hemmer learning content acquired in bookstores or through revision courses can also be accessed via the StudySmarter App. In addition, the hemmer Repetitorien will use StudySmarter as an official learning tool in their revision classes and thus increase the added value for hemmer students.
„Through the cooperation with hemmer Repetitorien we combine for the first time the latest technology and high quality content in the field of law. I am firmly convinced that law students will enjoy a great added value through cooperation and that they will be able to prepare their exams more efficiently. StudySmarter now offers a unique opportunity to learn certified content in a playful way on laptops and smartphones,“ says Maurice Khudhir, co-founder of StudySmarter, about the cooperation.
All relevant contents for the preparation for the state exam are available in the StudySmarter App from today.
About StudySmarter
StudySmarter is a leading EdTech start-up from Munich. The spin-off of the TU Munich & LMU Munich develops an intelligent and content-independent platform for lifelong learning. The StudySmarter learning platform was first published in 2018 and is currently used by more than 850,000 learners in the DACH region. StudySmarter has been named the best EdTech start-up in Germany and Europe by university representatives and education experts. The startup is headquartered in Munich and employs more than 30 people. StudySmarter’s vision is to use state-of-the-art technology to enable everyone to achieve their educational goals. Further information:
About hemmer
Since 1976, the hemmer Repetitorien has been active in the private training of lawyers: in addition to material and courses in preparation for the First State Examination, the publishing house and the Repetitorium also successfully offer courses and material for trainee lawyers in preparation for the Second State Examination. All in all, hemmer reaches a large part of the next generation of lawyers in Germany. Further information: