Hi, I’m Simon.
Co-Founder - My main responsibilities include backend and cloud development and user insights.

Who am I
I studied mechanical engineering at TU Munich, but quickly focused more on robotics, machine learning and software development. During my studies I worked in 2 separate, successful Munich startups (Konux and NavVis) and really fell in love with the startup scene and spirit. During my masters I joined the Manage&More program and got to meet Christian, Maurice and Till soon after. Working with talented, driven people on an important problem is really what motivates me every day.
Hidden Talent
I'm extremely good at ping pong. ;)
Passionate about
I love bleeding edge technology like the Samsung Fold, some say too much ;). I love reading about interesting topics like history etc.
Working at StudySmarter
In the first 2 semesters of my bachelors around 40% of students dropped out. This inspired me to research how one can study effectively and what can lead to dropping out. As a pet project I created a small app that helped with staying focused in class. Although this project was dropped, it gave me the first glimpse to what would later become StudySmarter. I love that we really make a difference it peoples' lives!

Typical day
My role changed a lot over the past years, in the beginning I was heavily involved in the coding of our platform, now a typical day is more described by planning our next steps, talking to new potential team members and helping with various product and engineering topics.
Crucial skill in your role
There are often a lot of different topics each day so you really need to prioritise and keep your goal of the day in sight.