Hi, I’m Lorenz.
Customer Support Manager - The main focus is to support and satisfy our users.

Who am I
My name is Lorenz. I previously worked for over 2.5 years in customer service at a food company (startup). I am currently studying business administration in Munich and I love to play golf or go skiing. Travel and technology are my other passions.
TV / Movie Character
My behavior is very similar to that of Miss Marple (Margaret Rutherford). For me, the first impression in a (support) case is never sufficient. I look for the problem and the solution behind the facade.
Passionate about
My big passion is cars and their technology. I also like water sports. Sometimes this can be combined, for example with jet-skiing or sailing. I like the different types of cars and the technology behind them. I feel the power, the idea and the design.
Working at StudySmarter
I have been studying with an iPad since 7th grade. Today, school, studies and learning in general are for me unthinkable without digital learning. I had in past good and bad experiences with digital learning. Therefore, I know that it is important to use a perfect learning software. So where should I work if not at StudySmarter? I like the people at StudySmarter. Everyone on the team is helpful and works towards the same goals and ideas. So you don't have to worry about finding nice colleagues.

Typical day
I usually start the day with a cup of coffee and/or small talk with a colleague. Depending on tasks and necessities, I do this in the office or from the home office. Then I prioritize all new requests and getting an overview of the to-dos. Next is responding to new requests and reviewing our latest reviews. After that, I structure the latest user feedback and ideas. If it is possible, I also spend some time gaining new knowledge about a particular work topic. Providing our team with user feedback and ideas for possible StudySmarter developments is also part of my daily doing. In this way, user comments and requests also ensure constant development and optimization of our product.
Crucial skill in your role
For Customer Support, empathy is especially important: You need to be aware of your counterpart's feelings, wishes or criticism and should use this information in the way you talk to him/her. Sometimes you have to recognize exactly what hadn't been written or said.